essential living

teaching the art of relaxing into prosperity

Buy my step-by-step Guided Relaxation CD's by clicking on the link below:

2xCD's available: Introduction & Intermediate Level:


Relaxation is not an activity. It is not something we need to ‘try’ to do. It is ironic that we can even become tense around how able, or not, we are to relax!

There are undoubtedly systems and situations that help us to relax; massage, yoga, breathing techniques, visiting beautiful places or being in nature, for example. This is all fine, but it can mean we are dependent on one or more of these to enable us to find relaxation.

What is more powerful and empowering, is eventually being able to relax, independent of any outside influence.

So, by simply listening to these CD's, you begin to ‘receive’ the message of relaxation. Your mind and body are open to the idea of relaxation and so it begins to be a place where you reside quite naturally rather than something you strive to achieve. It is similar to the way in which the body learns a dance - at first, it feels so awkward and you can feel like you will never learn it, but then, one day, it seems to come quite naturally. This is a process where the body builds a kind of memory bank. Dance steps become embedded in the bodies memory, so that gradually the body can access the steps; apparently with no effort. So something that starts off feeling really difficult can end up feeling natural and, on top of that, the body then never forgets it and can pick it up at a later date even if we do not actively engage with it for some stretch of time. The same goes for learning to deeply relax. Instructions in the CD can sound a little unusual and you may find yourself thinking that you can’t do it. It does not matter. All you need to do it is hear the instruction and your body will follow.

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