essential living

teaching the art of relaxing into prosperity


Gervaise’ interest in personal and spiritual development initially lead her to an exploration of Theravadin Buddhism. She practiced Vipassana meditation for many years. This period of deep inner reflection and enquiry became the springboard from which she decided to train as a Core Process Psychotherapist; a model that is based on Buddhist philosophy & psychology.

She has run a successful practice as a Psychotherapist and Spiritual Healer for many years, and continues to develop her practice through various trainings and workshops. More recently, Gervaise has worked with individuals and organisations, facilitating the empowerment and integration of people from marginalised local ethnic communities.

Since 2008 she has turned her attention from the inner world to the outer world. Drawing on her vast experience in the field of spiritual growth & transformation, she has learnt to transfer the exact same principles from her spiritual work to her business. By investing in her financial education, and by applying the rules of money & investment she has successfully manifested a million pound property portfolio. By focussing on establishing long-term sustainable material wealth & prosperity for herself and her family, Gervaise has demonstrated that we all have the ability to create our own reality. Her hope is that she can help more people to value themselves and one-another, thereby creating long-lasting abundance for all.

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half hour online consultation
with Gervaise
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